February - Healthy Body, Mind and Soul.
12 February,
Healthy Body, Mind and Soul.
How many of you have played the SIMS back then or probably still? Nevertheless, you know the feeling when you get all of your SIMS’ desires and needs at their peak resulting their above head diamond shaped into very bright toned green? Yup, that’s what I meant. They are in their best mood and you feel satisfied as if you are the avatar itself.
You know why? Because you KNOW you are in control of it, just like our body mind and soul.
This “Healthy body, mind and soul” task maybe small but it is not a walk in a park either. It is also a huge part of my “A journey to Self Love.” Let’s cut to the chase, do you feel the happiest when you’re the healthiest? Just like an endorphin rushing through the whole body. Why not break it into 3 “different yet interconnected” focus parts?
“Healthy Body, Mind and Soul.”
Body. Having a healthy body might have different meaning and perceptions for everyone. It might be meaning to eat well, exercise and probably going out for a day in the spa doing treatments. For me keeping track of what I consume, how I dress and self care are an ultimate key of having healthier body. I used to manage the calories of my daily consumption, now I just eat whenever I feel hungry and accordingly to my own definition of healthy; which is more greens, fruits, vitamins and lots of infused water. Next, I hate overdressing as much as I hate underdressing. You must be confused how would dressing appropriately goes with the terms “Healthy Body”, let us say for example, you were invited for a party, the theme was “pool party”, then you arrived with your most pool party clothes and it turns out to be cocktail party by the pool themed. I would have feel insecure despite how I can ignore It just by being confident (it’s a key, I’ll discuss later), but that’s not the point. I like to show people by dressing the way I want to present myself, these includes my mood, my personality and how I set my value (venues and occasions applied).
Value by the way I dress?
Does it means that my value is valued by the cost of the dresses? NO. It means that I value myself enough to spare my time in preparing and presenting myself according to my own standards, not others. This helps me boost my self esteem, which is really great for my mind and soul too. Got any other ways to achieve that satisfaction? That’s okay, after all there are 7 billion people in this world, which I bet you know we are all different.
Self care, the exact meaning has been delivered through the words itself, taking care of yourself. Exercise, self pamper, buying goods, do things such as hobbies, eat the food that you’re dying to eat, spend more time alone with yourself comfortably and even just laying around in bed during your day offs. It can be anything! I paint and sing for the sake of hobbies, eat instant noodles after a whole month of exercising, I watch movies alone, going to shopping mall, wearing DIY masks, meditate and once more, exercise.
Got no time and energy? Here's a tips on how to keep track on your life: A Journal.
I know most of you might be thinking of an hour or so exercise, nope! 10 - 15 mins easy cardio workouts are really good, you can do it after you wake up in the morning (or later at night after working). Wake up 2 hours earlier, spend time with yourself, exercise, and kick the day off!
Got no time and energy? Here's a tips on how to keep track on your life: A Journal.
I know most of you might be thinking of an hour or so exercise, nope! 10 - 15 mins easy cardio workouts are really good, you can do it after you wake up in the morning (or later at night after working). Wake up 2 hours earlier, spend time with yourself, exercise, and kick the day off!
Once I know the value of my own-self, I start to have a better mindset and way of thinking. As people always say, “what you think is always what you get”, I start to strive to think more positive thoughts in order to have positive outcome, I’ve started to see progresses. Just like “The Law of Attraction”, as for example when I put unique thoughts that I might think no one would ever think of that it such as building a foundation in the future, volunteering or anything!
These things create the vibe that are unconsciously being delivered to the outside world, then suddenly my vibe starts to attract my tribe. Leading me to connect with more people that have same vision and mission with me.
So you gotta inhale the negativity suck it in, look harder for the bright-side, process it into positivity and there you are smiling no matter what the output is. Why? Because the mindset was always positive from the beginning. I don’t really care about the outcome, since I am now more able to seek for the light through the never ending dark tunnel, living the life and it’s all about enjoying the process.
Soul. Through the mind, comes to the soul. As what I've written above the more I think positive, the more I started to feel more positive and as I feel positive it creates my vibe. Vibe attracts tribe, I had started to hang out more with people that fulfills my soul and it is way easier for me to sense negativity from the outside world, in which I have no control with. What if bad things happen? Remember, try your hardest to look for the bright side. Hahaha I may make it seem look easy just by typing it on italic and Bold. You know what I would do? I will overthink and blame myself with as much as various possibilities as I can, that leads me to stress, anxiety and negativity, while actually the only thing that we can control (Body, mind and soul) are ruined by the things that we cannot control (the outside).
And then I realized, I can only depend on my soul, the one that is under my control. I will try to sort things that I could do to reduce the stress and anxiety, my sister told me this one quote, "Stress and anxiety comes only from the past and the future". So I start to take actions, I went to muay thai camp, work out, eat the foods I've been dying to eat, meditate, read books and once I feel better I'll have fresher mind that allows me to look at the problem through different point of views. I'd introspect rather than criticized myself. If I did anything wrong, i'll apologize to myself, make up to the people I'd probably hurt and at last I'd try my best to forgive myself then learn from it. If I did nothing wrong, well there's nothing that I can do, then that means I have nothing to worry about.
To be honest, I've started to feel better, happier, calmer and less dependent. Nevertheless, that’s my choice. We cannot control everything that's happening in our life, we can only control our actions and responses. And both of our actions and responses are the result from our body, mind and soul.
So, when life gives you lemons, what would you do?
And then I realized, I can only depend on my soul, the one that is under my control. I will try to sort things that I could do to reduce the stress and anxiety, my sister told me this one quote, "Stress and anxiety comes only from the past and the future". So I start to take actions, I went to muay thai camp, work out, eat the foods I've been dying to eat, meditate, read books and once I feel better I'll have fresher mind that allows me to look at the problem through different point of views. I'd introspect rather than criticized myself. If I did anything wrong, i'll apologize to myself, make up to the people I'd probably hurt and at last I'd try my best to forgive myself then learn from it. If I did nothing wrong, well there's nothing that I can do, then that means I have nothing to worry about.
To be honest, I've started to feel better, happier, calmer and less dependent. Nevertheless, that’s my choice. We cannot control everything that's happening in our life, we can only control our actions and responses. And both of our actions and responses are the result from our body, mind and soul.
So, when life gives you lemons, what would you do?
Exercise more.
Try your hardest to look on the bright side, no matter how dark the situation is.
Stress and anxiety comes only from the past and future.
We can only take control on our actions and responses.
Try your hardest to look on the bright side, no matter how dark the situation is.
Stress and anxiety comes only from the past and future.
We can only take control on our actions and responses.
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