April - "Accept. Be You."

April 2019

Accept. Be You.

Acceptance, the words that start with another word, “Accept”. Like when you send and invitation to another person. Another example just like when you send out an invitation for a friend and got accepted, accepting another person on social media, accepting what you are going through, financially, physically and psychologically. 
It’s so funny how a simple word can actually be extended for the core of value and metrics that we can choose to accept in our own world. As for example, your family suddenly goes bankrupt and you have to change your lifestyle, or you’ve gained 20 kgs, or you are struggling over some disorder, or even maybe your family goes bankrupt and you gained 20 kgs due to stress. 

Accept it. No, this is not me suggesting you to just accept the situation and live with it (unless you are happy to), by accepting it, you let it become your present circumstances, right now sitting or standing or even potato couching.
Feel it, feel the pain, the disappointment, the judgement, the criticism, the sadness, and other negative feelings. What you are feeling right now does not define you, but your actions do. Try to absorb it. It hurts, yes.
We all know that for sure, but what kind of actions do we do when we feel ourselves feeling hurt? Yup. Heal and get back out there. I know it may seem easy for me to just type these words, and you reading trying to figure a way out. I mean come on, it is not a walk in a park to heal the wounds inside. Just like we all know, internal bleedings are unseen yet very dangerous and may cause death, it’s like slowly dying inside.
It takes a different span of time for different people to heal, as we all know that no one in this world is 100% accurately similar. And so does the problems each of us are facing, but eventually if you face it and accept it and magically the healing comes by itself.

Just like what I’ve mentioned on my March’s blog, everything is temporary, even the way that you are feeling right now, it will eventually get better and on also what I mentioned my February blog try your hardest to look on the bright side, no matter how dark the situation is. Make that little glimpse of light as your faith, your motivation guiding you towards the end of the tunnel, your guide, your values and in that way you can start walking into the right directions.
Accept those bad kinds of stuff that are happening to you, try to look at the humour side of it, no matter how hard it is and just live. Be alive. Everything I just said above does not apply if you don’t have faith in it, faith in the law if attraction and of course the faith in the universe. Back at it again, stress and anxiety come only from the past and future, probably sometimes the present sucks (or not, idk) but all of you have to do is just accept it and then do something about it.

What I actually want to share in this blog is about how acceptance is related to my journey to self-love. I’m gonna be honest with you, I self-criticized my self as if everything that I do is never good enough, it is just like everything has to go accordingly to my plan and that is self-destructive. I choose to not accept myself by saying that I’m not good enough, ignoring my weaknesses and subconsciously hating my self. Remember guys, I am too still learning. It’s very ironic isn’t it that me as a person who is trying who is learning to love herself, subconsciously hating her self and guess what? After making it as a joke to myself I found it. I never accept my present self.  

Rolf Dobelli wrote on his book titled “The Art of Good Lifewe are always feeling like we are lack of something, that’s why we always try to fix ourselves because we always tend to feel not good enough. Just accept yourself, and be you. What are the things that you fond of? What do you care about? Hobbies? Work? Passion? Goals? Dreams? Visions? Values? Principles? Walk towards it.

Don’t ever try to be somebody else, this includes the person that you imagine you are to be. Explore your weakness, insecurities, faults, pains and yourself. It’s okay to feel lacking of something, because that’s what the other 7.2 other billion people are here in this world for, to meet the perfection you have always wanted. You are looking for the purpose of life and so do they. When you do not know something, it doesn't imply that you are lesser than another person. Lower your ego. 
Ask the experts, after all we are just all humans, still learning and so are they. Be You. Observe, what are the good in people, the ones that you feel lack of having and realizing that they have it, embrace your weakness. Learn from those people you look up to, accordingly to your values and metric in order to be the best version of you.
Transform relation into a motivation rather than competition. 

Shocking news, they are feeling the same thing too, so it is your own choice in. Which perspective do you want to see? The best answer will still "Be You". What would you do? What do you choose? What are your core values? What are your principles?
Maybe you have chosen the wrong path, well fudge. That would be a problem right? But problems are what make us alive. When you realized and then accept that you are wrong, you will try your best to get back on track. As Mark Manson stated in his book titled "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck", growth is an endless process. We don't go from wrong to right. Rather we go to slightly wrong and we learn again that we're wrong, then we go to slight less wrong and so on.
But that's part of being a human, being wrong, being you. 
That’s why the world is tough, it’s either me myself being cruel to people or other people being cruel to me or probably both are just cruel to each other. It’s a never ending loop.
Thats okay if people do shit to you. It’s beyond your control, we can only take control on our actions and responses. 

Never ever change yourself just to please some random people.

So, who are you?



Accept it.
Heal and get back out there. 
Be you.
Lower your ego.
Transform relation into a motivation rather than competition. 
Problems are what makes us alive.


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