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July '20 - "A Simple Lesson."

Hello again July!  It’s been a year since I last posted my blog, wow. How time flies, another year has passed and 2019 has been one hell of a roller coaster ride. I reached both my peak and lowest point in my life, I started my own business which I managed all by myself, I started my own company with my business partners and at the same time I got into a really bad car accident.  It’s been really hard and tough, but what keeps me going is the lessons that I received one by one overtime. It was not easy, not even close. Hard times and good times, both happen for a reason, whether you can see through it or not.  I realized I need to change, to be better in every way and not to be another person that I idolized. Just a short reminder, that there’s a big difference between fixing yourself and changing yourself. By fixing yourself you are indirectly labeling yourself as “broken” and by changing yourself, you are striving to be better. Many people suffer because th...

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